Dear Liam,
You are 21 months old, in three more months you will be 2!! I cant believe it. You are repeating everything at the speed of light. You now know body parts which include: head, shoulder, knees, toes, eyes, nose and mouth. You can count to 3 and repeat letters when I go over the alphabet with you (we are going to work more on this in months to come since you are repeating everything!!) You love playing with cars they are your favorite thing. You go around racing saying vroom vroom! We go on walks almost every morning to the park where you talk to the birds and doggies by pointing each one out! I can now read books to you and keep your attention because you love to repeat everything I am saying! You are so loving, you give hugs and kisses and today you started blowing kisses which is beyond cute! You are starting to say Mommy instead of MaMa and still are huge Daddy's boy. When your Daddy gets home you run to him and give him a hug repeating Daddy Daddy!! I love watching you two together you are the best of friends, but when it comes to when your hurt or scared your all about Mommy. I can not believe my eyes sometimes with how fast you are growing. You are starting to look more like a little boy than a baby which makes me a little sad, but proud at the same time. There is no one that could be more proud of you than me and your Daddy. You are the best Liam Matthew, I love you to the moon and back!!