Dear Colin,
You have grown so much. At 9 months you started standing very well by yourself for long periods of time and a day after you turned 10 months you took your first few steps. You are so sweet you love to be rocked or cuddled and like playing with my hair to calm down before bed. You are so smiley you laugh a lot and whenever I say Colin come over here you dash across the room to get to me. You love being held and getting attention. Probably because you are always fighting for it. Your favorite things are playing with Liam, taking a bath and cruising around in your walker. I absolutely can not believe you are only a couple of months away from being a big one year old. We are planning to have a Dr. Seuss party which should be very fun! I love you so much little man and can not believe how much another little boy has changed my life and my heart ( I didn't think it could get any fuller with love). I love you and I am so glad your mine.