The Forgeys

The Forgeys

Thursday, October 25, 2012

1st Trimester Quiz

Every week I have been taking a quiz so I could remember my pregnancy! I will put some pictures up from time to time as well!

11 weeks

How far along? 11 weeks

Total weight gain? 5 pounds ( running around after a toddler has helped me this time, with Liam I was already at 10 pounds at this point!!)

Maternity clothes? Yes leggings and some shirts

Stretch marks? No new ones

Labor signs? None but a lot of uterine wall stretching. This is suppose to happen a lot the first time around but I have it a lot more frequently this pregnancy. I have to be careful getting out of bed and sneezing or I will cramp big time!

Sleep? I sleep about 9 to 10 hours with a
4 am pee break : )

 Morning sickness? None this week I really was only sick for 2 weeks (week 7 and 8) and then never again! This is such a blessing because I was very sick with Liam until around 20 weeks.

 Miss Anything? Sushi

 Cravings? Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, Chocolate covered blueberries, fruit.

 Aversions? Tomatoes lately which is weird because I could not get enough the first couple of months. Maybe I over did it! If something stinks from a mile away I smell it with Liam I was sick all the time with him but smells didn't bother me.

How big is baby? Baby F  is the size of a lime. He or she is 1.6 inches long, and weighs in at about .25 ounces.

 Milestones for baby? Tooth buds, hair follicles and nail beds are forming

 Best moment this week? Getting some new maternity clothes!

Gender? Its going to be a surprise, so each week I will guess. This week I am guessing boy since my skin is getting really dry, but my cravings are still girl.

Movement? None yet

Looking forward to? My 12 week ultra sound!!

12 Weeks

How far along? 12 weeks

Total weight gain? 5 pounds

Maternity clothes? Yes leggings and some shirts

Stretch marks? No new ones

Labor signs? None

Sleep? Still sleeping well

 Morning sickness? None and loving it

 Miss Anything? This week red wine so I drank some grape juice in a wine glass. : )

 Cravings? Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, Chocolate chip cookies with vanilla ice cream

 Aversions? Chicken just the smell before it cooks once it cooks I am ok

How big is baby? Baby F  is the size of a plum. He or she 2.1 inches long and .49 ounces

 Milestones for baby? Tooth buds, hair follicles and nail beds are forming

Best moment this week? Getting to see you in the 12 week ultrasound. You are already very different from your big brother. He is such a ham even in his 12 week ultrasound we got great pictures of him. You hid the whole time and made it hard for the ultrasound tech. I wish I could have seen you a little more but I guess your my shy one! : ) Your heartbeat was 163.

Gender? This week I am guessing girl only because I have been feeling really good other than a few headaches.

Movement? None yet

Looking forward to? Hearing babies heart beat at my next appointment!!

 13 weeks

 How far along? 13 weeks

Total weight gain? 6 pounds

 Maternity clothes? Yes I can finally wear jeans now that has cooled off.

Stretch marks? No new ones

Labor signs? None

Sleep? Still sleeping well

 Morning sickness? Still none

 Miss Anything? Not really

Cravings? Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, cookies, grapes

 Aversions? Chicken just the smell before it cooks once it cooks I am ok

How big is baby? Baby F  is the size of a peach. He or she is .9 inches long and weighs about .81 ounces.

 Milestones for baby forming vocal cords and teeth

 And even though she's still teeny, she already has fingerprints.

 Her intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to their more permanent place, in her tummy.

 Best moment this week? Getting hear your heart beat. The doctor found it right away which was nice since your brother was always  moving and hard to find.

Gender? This week I am kind of neutral one day I think girl the next boy!

Movement? None yet

Looking forward to? One week away from the second trimester

Surprise Surprise we are expecting baby #2

Due March 13th, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

How to get rid of a cold

Of course a couple of days before I have to board germ central station aka planes Liam and me get a cold. His is much worse than mine, but I am hoping the following will help me get us feeling better before Tuesday.  Here is a list of my go to products for colds.

For Liam

 Vicks Baby Rub- This probably works best on smaller babies because toddlers are squirmy plus Liam is ticklish on his neck chest area. I put it on in the evening after bath time and then again right before bed.

Vicks Steam Vaporizor- I had to put a little bit of salt to get it working (directions say that it helps if you have a lot of mineral in your tap water) but once it starts working its awesome and a really good value.

Little Colds- Regular honey does the same thing and is cheaper, but I bought this awhile back before the pediatrion recommended just honey.

For me:

Neti pot- My sister in law told me about this and I was skeptical, but really needed sinus relief I was getting sinus headaches everyday! Anyways long story short this product is a game changer!( I also think this is why my cold isnt as bad as Liam's) It helps so much it's just odd looking when you are doing it. I typically do it the shower for this reason. It does take some getting used to you have to breathe through your mouth when you do it, but after you are used it its awesome!

Ayr- My mom told me about this she uses it when it gets colder and the heat dries out her nose. I use it after the neti pot before bed. It keeps your nose from feeling dry. Its hard to find it's at target, but they typically keep it behind the counter and you have to ask for it.

Honey- I mix honey water and squeeze lemon in a tea cup when ever my throat starts to get scratchy.

OJ- I get tired of regular and the added mango gives it less of an acidic taste!!

Hope we are better by Tuesday I would really like to enjoy the fall in New Hampshire!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Liam

Dear Liam,
You are 2 years old today. It feels like yesterday I was holding a brand new tiny baby in my arms. You have grown so much; your personality is still the same though. You are very independent and happy. You love Cars and curious George and talk all the time. You can repeat almost anything and you love to read. Your favorite books are Colors, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and Where the Wild Things Are. You have mastered how to jump and give lots of kisses and hugs. You can be stubborn about holding hands and getting into the car, but are very social. You love preschool you run right in every Tuesday and Thursday ready to go! Your teachers say you actually help out the kids that cry when their parents leave them by trying to play with them. You now sleep in a big boy bed and potty training is up next!! I love you and can’t believe you are 2. I look forward to this upcoming year it is going to be a great one!
Your Mommy
Below are some pictures from Liam's birthday party and actual birthday.

10/1/2012- 2 Years Old 

Banana Pancake Tradition 
                                                     Snuggling watching Lady and the Tramp
Prince Liam- His teachers at preschool made this crown for him and his classmates celebrated by eating pumpkin muffins.