The Forgeys

The Forgeys

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Colin's Birth Story

Colin's Birth Story

On March 13th, 2013 I decided my baby wasn't coming anytime soon, so Jason and me took advantage of my Mom being in town and went on a date. We went to our favorite restaurant Roko and I ordered egg plant parmesan hoping it might make me go into labor. We went home watched TV and I went to bed. Jason always goes to bed later than me and when he came in at 11 it woke me up. He went right to sleep and didn't even notice I went into the bathroom. I had one very strong braxton hicks contraction and figured it was because my bladder was full. I did the usual, peed and then I had another contraction.  So I stood there for a minute thinking if I keep standing maybe I will have more. I then had 5 more contractions and then went to get my iphone to start tracking how close they were (they have an app for everything!) My contractions were 4 minutes apart, but I wanted to make sure they remained that way before waking everyone up at midnight. I waited until 1am when they had been going on for an hour and got down to 3 minutes.  When I woke up Jason and my mom they were not exactly comprehending what was going on. Jason asked me why I was packing my bag haha! We headed to the hospital a little after one and checked in at 1:30. The first nurse who came into check me couldn't tell if I was dilated ( I have a tilted uterus so its harder to do cervical check on me because of its location) I thought this tiny lady was going to kill me!  Really it was more painful than most of my labor. She said she couldn't get to my cervix so she went and got another nurse. The next nurse checked me with no problem and said we are admitting you your 5 cm dilated!  I was really surprised for some reason I kept thinking they are going to send me home. It was really fun going in and not knowing what was going to happen since I was induced with Liam it kind of took the excitement out of the oh my goodness I am having a baby! We got into our room at about 2 am and I was so shocked when my nurse came in she was the same nurse I had with Liam. I was so excited because Amy rocked and it made me feel more at ease.  From 2 am to 6am I walked the halls, bounced on the birthing ball and attempted to use heat for the contraction pain. As long as I was standing I could tolerate the pain, but if I sat down my back was in so much pain I felt paralyzed. I had to have Jason and my Mom pull me back up because I really couldn't move. The best thing that helped my contractions was moving. The shower I was using only had one temperature scalding hot! I really could have cared less about my skin getting red, but Jason and my Mom thought I was getting burned. We called in the nurse to see if something could be changed and she said the maintenance guy was not there until 8am. At around 6am Amy checked me again and I was 8cm almost 9 and because I no longer had the energy to stand or sit I decided to lay down. When I did the pain tripled and I couldn't move because of my back pain. I really didn't want an epidural but figured if I cant move my body how will I push a baby out. I called Amy back in and she got the anesthesiologist on his way. At around 7 am I got an epidural and was a little disappointment in myself, but thought I did my best and everything happens for a reason. There was a big reason; I would be in labor for another 7 hours! Colin was laying on my left side and didn't move for about three hours and when he did get in the birth canal he stayed there for almost 4 hours! Because I never received pitocin my body was only contracting about every 4 mins making it difficult and long to push him out. My actual pushing time was about an hour and a half, but him getting to where he needed to be to push took a very long time! When it was finally time to push I was so excited to find out if I would be having a boy or girl. The doctor knew not to announce because I wanted Jason to. After about 10 hard pushes and some pulling from my doctor (Colin's shoulders were stuck) I finally heard a loud cry (neither of my kids have had to be hit or suctioned they come out screaming right away)! Jason said we have a boy!! Colin Boyd Forgey was born on March 14th, 2013 at 2:08pm. I was so excited when I heard it was a boy, I really have always wanted two children of the same sex since I never had a sister. I was the first to hold Colin even though there was meconium when my water broke and it was such awesome experience.  Holding him made the after birth process so much easier and relaxed. As soon as they put him on my chest he was immediately quiet and very alert he started breast feeding right away and we got to bond for over an hour before having to be moved. My Dad came to the hospital about an hour later to see if he had a grandson or granddaughter (he wanted to find out in person not by phone). As soon as he walked in he said I have another grandson even though the hat was blue and pink haha! Then I told him his name and he was so surprised and happy it definitely made him so happy and proud to share his name with his grandson. Waiting to be surprised was so much fun and made everything so exciting. There are definitely few great surprises in life and Colin was the best surprise ever.


Baby Boy or Girl??
My awesome coach!
Baby Nurse that delivered Liam
First time holding Colin!
Jason's first time holding Colin

                                                                      My sweet Colin

Sunday, March 17, 2013

It's a boy!!!!

On March 14th 2013 at 2:08pm we welcomed to the world Colin Boyd Forgey. 8 pounds 15 ounces and 21 inches! We are beyond excited and blessed with our new bundle of joy!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

3rd Trimester Quiz

How far along? 29


Total weight gain? 22 pounds


Maternity clothes? Only except for really big t shirts I sleep in.


Stretch marks? None


Labor signs? None


Sleep? Not as much


Morning sickness? None


Miss Anything? Wine


Cravings? Cheese, Chocolate

Aversions? Mainly red meat


How big is baby? Size of an acorn Squash. Measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long. Right now, baby weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds


Milestones for baby? Growing white fat deposits under his skin, and his energy is surging because of it.


Best Moment of the week? Getting to celebrate Christmas with family. Jason, Liam and me were sick so my parents came to town and celebrated with us. Liam loved his new bike and books!


Gender? This week guessing girl


Movement? Yes


Looking forward to? New Years Eve it is the first NYE Jason and me have got to go out since Liam has been born!!

How far along?  30 weeks


Total weight gain? 23 pounds looks like I am gaining a pound a week lately


Maternity clothes? Yes


Stretch marks? No new ones


Labor signs? None


Sleep? Yes better since I had a little break


Morning sickness? None          


Miss Anything? Not really        


Cravings? Sweets and fruits

Aversions? Nothing I am starting to be able to tolerate red meat again!


How big is baby? Baby is the size of a cucumber. Baby is 15.2- to 16.7-inch, 2.5- to 3.8-pounds and continues to grow


Milestones for baby? Skin is getting smoother, But brain is getting wrinklier


Best Moment of the week? Getting some time to myself, reading a book and hanging out with Jason to bring in the new year. So excited for 2013


Gender? Girl


Movement? All the time           


Looking forward to? Seeing Liam at the end of the week he has been at granna and grandpa camp for 4 days!


How far along? 31 weeks


Total weight gain? 24 pounds


Maternity clothes? Yes


Stretch marks? No


Labor signs? No


Sleep? Yes sleeping well          


Morning sickness? None


Miss Anything? Champagne at new years.


Cravings? None really

Aversions? None


How big is baby? 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds this month


Milestones for baby? Baby is going through major brain and nerve development.  All five of his senses are in working order


Best Moment of the week? Getting to see Liam I miss him a lot if I do not see him for a day and he was gone 4 days!


Gender? Girl


Movement? Yes mainly at night


Looking forward to? Hanging out with Liam and getting some things for the nursery.


How far along?  32 weeks


Total weight gain? 25


Maternity clothes? Yes            


Stretch marks? Yes


Labor signs? Yes I have been having braxton hicks


Sleep? Not well feeling constant pressure to pee.


Morning sickness? None


Miss Anything? Sleeping I need it bad.


Cravings? Sugar but I think that is due to lack of sleep  

Aversions? Coffee


How big is baby? Baby is the size of a squash. weighs in at about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds and measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches.


Milestones for baby? Ready for her descent  baby is likely in the head-down position now.

Baby is probably feeling a even more cramped.


Best Moment of the week? Looking forward to Jason's birthday. I need to plan something.


Gender? Girl


Movement? Non stop


Looking forward to? Sleeping more


How far along? 33 weeks


Total weight gain? 26


Maternity clothes? Yes


Stretch marks? No new ones


Labor signs? Yes lots of contractions had to go to the hospital


Sleep? Non existent


Morning sickness? None


Miss Anything? Feeling well


Cravings? None not hungry

Aversions? None


How big is baby? Baby is the size of a durian. Baby is 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches


Milestones for baby? Keeping eyes open while awake


Best Moment of the week? Figuring out why I am having so many contractions. I had an infection that pregnant people often get that was causing them. Hopefully the meds will work and I will stop peeing non stop.


Gender? Girl


Movement? Yes


Looking forward to? Feeling better


How far along? 34 weeks


Total weight gain? 26 its been hard to eat a lot because I feel so bad.


Maternity clothes? Yes


Stretch marks? No


Labor signs? Yes still even though I am on meds.


Sleep? None


Morning sickness? No


Miss Anything? Sleeping and feeling relatively normal


Cravings? None

Aversions? None


How big is baby? Baby is the size of a butternut squash. Baby is about 4.2 pounds to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches.


Milestones for baby? Urinating about a pint a day.


Best Moment of the week? Going to the doctor to get more meds. I feel like I am going crazy from this pain and then add taking care of a 2 year old. Turns out I needed more antibiotics.


Gender? Boy


Movement? Non stop


Looking forward to? My baby shower next week!!



How far along? 35 weeeks


Total weight gain? 27


Maternity clothes? Yes


Stretch marks? No


Labor signs? Still a little bit but they are getting better I have to really work on staying hydrated but my infections is gone.


Sleep? Its getting better!


Morning sickness? None


Miss Anything? Sleep


Cravings? None

Aversions? None


How big is baby? Baby is the size of a coconut. Baby is measuring 17.2 to 18.7 inches and weighs .2 to 5.8 pounds


Milestones for baby? hearing is fully developed, and he responds best to high-pitched noises.


Best Moment of the week? Getting to see all my friends and having an awesome shower!! I am ready now for this baby!! Yayy!!


Gender? Boy


Movement? Yes all the time you wake me in the middle of the night with your kicks to my bladder and cervix.


Looking forward to? My last month of pregnancy which starts next week!!



How far along? 36 weeeks


Total weight gain? 29


Maternity clothes? Yes


Stretch marks? No


Labor signs? None Yayy!!


Sleep? Its hit or miss


Morning sickness? None


Miss Anything? Sleep


Cravings? Chocolate and veggies and cranberry juice!

Aversions? None


How big is baby? Baby is the size of a honeyduet. Baby is measuring 17.2 to 18.7 inches and weighs 4.2- to 5.8-pound range and continues to beef up


Milestones for baby? Baby is getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on it's own.

Skin is getting smooth and soft and her gums are rigid. Liver and kidneys are in working order. Circulation and immune systems are basically good to go, too.

Best Moment of the week? Really starting to feel like myself again and so is Liam. Also we finally figured out a girl name if you end up being a girl.

Gender? Boy

 Movement? Yes all the time you wake me in the middle of the night with your kicks to my bladder and cervix.

 Looking forward to? My last month of pregnancy which starts next week!!


 How far along? 37 weeks

Total weight gain? 30


Maternity clothes? Yes


Stretch marks? No


Labor signs? Starting to get a few Braxton hicks and baby has started to drop!


Sleep? Not well this week I need to take my medication.


Morning sickness? None


Miss Anything? Sleep


Cravings? Veggies and fruit-blueberries, kiwi, strawberries

Aversions? None


How big is baby? Baby is the size of a wintermelon. Baby is .9 to 20.9 inches and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds. Baby is gaining about 1/2 ounce each day


Milestones for baby? Baby is practicing some skills: inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking.

· Baby is getting his first sticky poop (called meconium) ready for his first diaper..


Best Moment of the week? Just spending my last week with it just being Liam and me. My mom is coming down Sunday and is staying until the baby arrives!

Gender? Girl


Movement? Yes but you are starting to run out of room


Looking forward to? Just relaxing and enjoying my last weeks of pregnancy.

How far along? 38 weeks


Total weight gain? 30


Maternity clothes? Yes


Stretch marks? No


Labor signs? Baby has dropped a lot!


Sleep? Better this week


Morning sickness? None


Miss Anything? Being able to get up and down easily playing with Liam is getting hard and that makes me a little sad, but not too much longer.


Cravings? Still fruits and veggies

Aversions? None


How big is baby? Baby is the size of a pumpkin. Baby is .9 to 20.9 inches and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds.


Milestones for baby? ·  Baby  may have about an inch or so of hair already.
Baby is slowly shedding that white goo on her skin (called vernix caseosa) but you might see some of it at birth.

Best Moment of the week? Going on one last date with my husband, things are about to get crazy at our house.

 Gender? Girl

Movement? Yes but you are starting to run out of room

Looking forward to? Having a baby!!

 How far along? 39 weeks

Total weight gain? Still hanging around 30 doctor said its because the baby has dropped and you don't gain as much after that happens(or at least the baby doesnt!).

 Maternity clothes? Yes

Stretch marks? No thank you god(not bc I am vain, but because I dont have PUPS this time!)

 Labor signs? Yes lots of Braxton hicks and overall cramps. Baby has dropped a lot too. My stats are 1cm, 70 percent effaced, and -1 station.

Sleep? It is so much better!! I go to sleep at 9 and sleep very well. I think I am just exhausted and my body finally is giving into sleep without the need of medication!

Morning sickness? None

Miss Anything? When I wake up its really hard to move because my pelvis is so sore. After I get up have a glass of milk , then a glass of water I feel much better. I also take a hot shower so my joints and muscles feel a little better.

Cravings? Lately just really hungry I don't care what it is!

Aversions? None

How big is baby? Baby is the size of a Watermelon. Baby keeps growing, despite being so crowded in there. Baby probably weighs around 6.2 to 9.2 pounds and measures about 18.9 to 20.9 inches.

 Milestones for baby?  Baby is probably able to flex his limbs now.
It's brain is still rapidly developing --baby is getting smarter by the week!
Babies nails may extend past his fingertips.

Best Moment of the week? Just enjoying time with my family. My mom is here and is helping out it is so nice to relax and spend more time with Liam.

 Gender? I really change my mind everyday. So we will see!!

 Movement? Yes I can feel you turning your head a lot ( the doctor said this is the babies way of finding their way out!) I never felt this with your brother so its a different feeling!

 Looking forward to? Holding my baby!! Hopefully this is my last full week of being pregnant, but if not I am willing to wait a little for you!


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Liam is going to be a great brother!!

                                        He loves snuggling the baby and saying hey to him/her

Liam time

I have been trying to spend extra time with Liam before the baby comes. This is probably our last week as a family of 3. A part of me is a little sad, but I know once we are a family of 4 I will be so excited for Liam to have a sibling and to be able to hold my sweet baby! Today we went on a picnic and he had so much fun checking out the seagulls and saying "fly birds fly" and "bye bye birds" whenever they flew away. My mom is down now so she is helping with the cooking and cleaning which is making everything easier.  I had contractions that woke me up last night so my Mom and me went on a walk to try to get things started while I was walking I had 7 contractions yayy. They did stop though after we stopped walking I also finally found a baby book today. Finding something that is gender neutral was hard but I finally found it!

Picnic in Southport

                                                            Swinging on the swings!
                                                               Moore Street Market and Deli

                                                                 and a photo bomber just for laughs! : )