The Forgeys

The Forgeys

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Colin's Birth Story

Colin's Birth Story

On March 13th, 2013 I decided my baby wasn't coming anytime soon, so Jason and me took advantage of my Mom being in town and went on a date. We went to our favorite restaurant Roko and I ordered egg plant parmesan hoping it might make me go into labor. We went home watched TV and I went to bed. Jason always goes to bed later than me and when he came in at 11 it woke me up. He went right to sleep and didn't even notice I went into the bathroom. I had one very strong braxton hicks contraction and figured it was because my bladder was full. I did the usual, peed and then I had another contraction.  So I stood there for a minute thinking if I keep standing maybe I will have more. I then had 5 more contractions and then went to get my iphone to start tracking how close they were (they have an app for everything!) My contractions were 4 minutes apart, but I wanted to make sure they remained that way before waking everyone up at midnight. I waited until 1am when they had been going on for an hour and got down to 3 minutes.  When I woke up Jason and my mom they were not exactly comprehending what was going on. Jason asked me why I was packing my bag haha! We headed to the hospital a little after one and checked in at 1:30. The first nurse who came into check me couldn't tell if I was dilated ( I have a tilted uterus so its harder to do cervical check on me because of its location) I thought this tiny lady was going to kill me!  Really it was more painful than most of my labor. She said she couldn't get to my cervix so she went and got another nurse. The next nurse checked me with no problem and said we are admitting you your 5 cm dilated!  I was really surprised for some reason I kept thinking they are going to send me home. It was really fun going in and not knowing what was going to happen since I was induced with Liam it kind of took the excitement out of the oh my goodness I am having a baby! We got into our room at about 2 am and I was so shocked when my nurse came in she was the same nurse I had with Liam. I was so excited because Amy rocked and it made me feel more at ease.  From 2 am to 6am I walked the halls, bounced on the birthing ball and attempted to use heat for the contraction pain. As long as I was standing I could tolerate the pain, but if I sat down my back was in so much pain I felt paralyzed. I had to have Jason and my Mom pull me back up because I really couldn't move. The best thing that helped my contractions was moving. The shower I was using only had one temperature scalding hot! I really could have cared less about my skin getting red, but Jason and my Mom thought I was getting burned. We called in the nurse to see if something could be changed and she said the maintenance guy was not there until 8am. At around 6am Amy checked me again and I was 8cm almost 9 and because I no longer had the energy to stand or sit I decided to lay down. When I did the pain tripled and I couldn't move because of my back pain. I really didn't want an epidural but figured if I cant move my body how will I push a baby out. I called Amy back in and she got the anesthesiologist on his way. At around 7 am I got an epidural and was a little disappointment in myself, but thought I did my best and everything happens for a reason. There was a big reason; I would be in labor for another 7 hours! Colin was laying on my left side and didn't move for about three hours and when he did get in the birth canal he stayed there for almost 4 hours! Because I never received pitocin my body was only contracting about every 4 mins making it difficult and long to push him out. My actual pushing time was about an hour and a half, but him getting to where he needed to be to push took a very long time! When it was finally time to push I was so excited to find out if I would be having a boy or girl. The doctor knew not to announce because I wanted Jason to. After about 10 hard pushes and some pulling from my doctor (Colin's shoulders were stuck) I finally heard a loud cry (neither of my kids have had to be hit or suctioned they come out screaming right away)! Jason said we have a boy!! Colin Boyd Forgey was born on March 14th, 2013 at 2:08pm. I was so excited when I heard it was a boy, I really have always wanted two children of the same sex since I never had a sister. I was the first to hold Colin even though there was meconium when my water broke and it was such awesome experience.  Holding him made the after birth process so much easier and relaxed. As soon as they put him on my chest he was immediately quiet and very alert he started breast feeding right away and we got to bond for over an hour before having to be moved. My Dad came to the hospital about an hour later to see if he had a grandson or granddaughter (he wanted to find out in person not by phone). As soon as he walked in he said I have another grandson even though the hat was blue and pink haha! Then I told him his name and he was so surprised and happy it definitely made him so happy and proud to share his name with his grandson. Waiting to be surprised was so much fun and made everything so exciting. There are definitely few great surprises in life and Colin was the best surprise ever.


Baby Boy or Girl??
My awesome coach!
Baby Nurse that delivered Liam
First time holding Colin!
Jason's first time holding Colin

                                                                      My sweet Colin

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