The Forgeys

The Forgeys

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Last Day of Preschool

I can't believe Liam has completed his first year of preschool. The first day picture vs. last day picture seriously makes me want to cry. He has grown so much and looks like a big boy now.  Although, we had a few time outs, boo boo's, and other things that you can expect with a 100 percent all boy we had a great first year. You had the best teachers Ms. Angie and Ms. Edith.  I am so happy Liam loves school and has met great friends (Jack, Lilly, and Slade) he talks about these guys daily. I am sad he can't go during the summer, but it will be great to get some extra time with him. I made a little bucket with some fun new toys for summer time and Liam was so excited he especially loves his pool and cant wait to use his lightning McQueen kite! Here is to another great summer with you little man!


Memorial Day Weekend 2013

This was Colin's first time to the beach. He really seemed to like it and slept in his tent for part of the time.  Liam has a whole new love for the beach. He loves to play in the sand and run up to the water. The day started off really cold, but warmed up late afternoon and we were able to make it out to Long Beach. On the way we stopped at my favorite cupcake place CrazyCakeChics! We found a great parking spot with a public restroom nearby (very key when potty training)!! It was really nice to be able to relax and enjoy the beach for the first time this year!