The Forgeys

The Forgeys

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Letters to Colin- 8 months

Dear Colin,
You are growing so fast! You love to stand now and are becoming more vocal. You can say Dada, Mama, and Heeey. You get very excited when you see me you jump up and down, or attempt to clap your hands. I love it!! It is nice to have someone be that happy to see you! Whenever we go out people always say wow he is such a happy baby is he always that way. I have to say you are unless you are hungry or sleepy. You personality is so laid back you love to be held and cuddled but you are very tough. Liam doesn't get you are a baby and is hard on you sometimes, but you are starting to get him back by pulling his hair. I wish you could stay this age for a while it is such a fun period! It is going to be so fun watching you enjoy your first Christmas. I love you so much Colin and can not imagine a day without you!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Letters to Liam 3 years

Dear Liam,
How in the world are you 3? You are growing so fast and are such an incredible person. You are a smarty you know all your Abc's in order and can count to 20. I have discovered you have your Dad's photographic memory. If I read a book to you 3 times or more you have most of memorized. You really enjoy preschool and love to sing the songs you learn there. Sometimes you don't like to listen you are still the most strong willed person I have ever met. When you get your mind set on something you are going to make it happen ( I keep telling myself this will be great as an adult!!). We have finally met some people in the new area we live and you are very into going to the park, the gym(gymnastics play area) and truly love Harris Teeter and whole foods you love the samples : ) You love to eat, but are not the best at picking healthy foods, but are getting better. I can now get you to eat celery, carrots and grapes!! You are a Daddy's boy you love to hang out with your Dad and do anything he is doing. You guys build things together, play cars and ride bikes. You are so funny you know if I am down or tired and do anything to make me laugh. You are also trying to learn the difference between boys and girls which might be the funniest thing ever. We will be in a public place and you will ask does that person have a penis? The first time this happened I was embarrassed, but now its just comical. You are my big guy 95 percent for height and 80th for weight. I am so privileged to be your Mommy and love getting to be with you everyday. You are my sunshine and you know it! : )


                                                                  You love to swing

                                                              Daddys' boy all the way

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Much needed trip

Jason and me went to Galax VA and surrounding areas for 3 days. I surprised him with a quick trip to the mountains and we stayed in a awesome affordable cabin! It was so relaxing and romantic!! We went on hikes, watched TV uninterrupted, went to wineries and shopped and checked out downtown Galax. We really needed a break, not having immediate family or close friends by is hard because we never get a break. Eventually if no one gets a break someone starts to break from exhaustion so this trip was a good reboot.
                                                                   Fresh Honey                                  
                                                                          Husky Pups
                                                              Walking in downtown Galax
                                                                   Old bank vault
My Dream House
                                                                     Mabry Mill
Lovers Lookout

Our cabin

J and me

Chateau Morrisette Winery

Colin 7 months

Dear Colin,
I cant believe you are 7 months old. You are developing such an awesome personality. You are so sweet and happy I am the luckiest Mom there is! You started crawling at the end of your 6 month. Once you started you haven't stopped. You also learned to stand up this month. You spend most of your time going around trying to grab things and stand up. You constantly have bruises from falling even though me and your big brother are always behind you. You have also learned to say MaMa, DaDa and Baba. Your language development is really surprising I think it is because you constantly have either me or Liam talking to you! You are still on the smaller side at 16.8 pounds and 28 inches. At this point you are growing better and we do not have to go to weight checks every week. We stopped breastfeeding this month and you are on formula full time now. I thought I would feel really bad, but you seem fuller and more content so in this case Happy Baby=Happy Mommy! You have also started eating solid foods. You love sweet potatoes, squash, broccoli, avocado, and turkey fruit medley. I can't make all your baby food, but I make about half of it.  You are growing up on me way too fast. I though it flew by with Liam, but it is going even faster with you. We love snuggling and playing everyday. You light up when you see Me, Liam or your Dad. You always wake up happy and ready for the day even at 5:30. Your sleep has improved you no longer wake up in the middle of the night. You normally sleep until 6:30, but sometimes have earlier days.  You are such a joy and complete our family. We Love You Colin!!!


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Liam is 3!!!

Liam had a great 3rd birthday. This year we did a Brave theme since it is his favorite movie. This year we did it at my parents house because Jason and me had just came back from the mountains plus I knew with a small baby I would need lots of help! Here are a few pictures of all the fun that we had!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Liams first wedding

Liam was in a wedding almost a month ago and he did a great job. He was such a cute little ring bearer and with some help from Jason he made it all the way down the aisle and even got applause from the audience!

Colin 5 months and 6 months

Dear Colin,

Bad mom here forgot to write you a five month letter. In my defense it has been a tough couple of months, but is getting easier. You started crying ALOT and wouldn't stop. From the time you woke I would get maybe 10 minutes all day of no crying. I finally figured out you had reflux and as soon as we went back to the doctor things started changing. You have had to try a couple of different medicines, but I think we are finally on the right one. During this time you hardly slept which means I didn't sleep. It was rough little buddy, but now I am proud to say you are a little sleeping champ.  We tried sleep training a couple of times but not until after we had the reflux handled did it work. I used a slightly different method on you then on your brother, but this book really helped!

 You now take 2 naps with no problem and sleep from 7 am to 7pm.  I am so proud of you!! You are also almost crawling. Currently you crawl like you are a little frog moving both legs at one time and it is so beyond cute!! Your favorite person is still your big brother and you guys are starting to play together and interact. Every night before bed he gives you hug and a kiss and makes sure you get your bedtime story.  You have the sweetest personality even when you are upset you are too cute. You love to smile at everyone and love snuggling me in the morning.  Due to your reflux problems we are down to only breastfeeding once a day. It seems to work well for you to nurse in the morning and that is our special time to hang out together. You get very distracted any other time of the day. Now that Liam is back at preschool two times a week we have special Mommy Colin time which is nice. Since you are my second child we do not get as much time together so when we do we definitely make the most of it.  I love you little man and am so glad I get to spend every day with you!


Your Mommy

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

On Having Boys

I get asked a lot if I am having a third child. I find this funny because my second child is only 5 months old.  People always say the same thing "Are you going to try for a girl?". This question annoyed me in the very beginning.  I thought wow people are rude and also questioned why having two perfectly healthy boys wasn't enough for strangers, relatives, and friends.  Now when people asked I just say no I love having two boys.  Growing up with two older brothers was great, but I always wanted to know what it would be like to have a sister. Once I found out Liam was a boy I knew I really wanted to have another boy so he could have a brother.  This summer we were at a pool and I met a woman with four boys all under the age of 6. She told me her 5 month old was her fourth boy and I said wow that is awesome and then proceeded to tell her how lucky she was. I thought this lady was going to cry she said I was one of the only people who had ever said anything positive to her about having boys. A lot of the comments were oh another boy, wow you have your hands full, how do you do it type comments. She said it was so nice to hear someone say something nice about her boys. I told her I understood because ever since Colin arrived I have been getting weird comments like that from strangers. Once a waitress even asked where our girl was at and my husband said to her she isn't coming. I thought I was going to fall out of my chair! For me having a healthy child was always the goal and I hit the jackpot with two healthy beautiful boys.  I always asked my Dad if he wished he would have had a boy instead of a girl and he always says no way. I really never believed him until I had my own children.  God gives you what you need in your life and you will love what you get even if you have a gender preference.  I am so blessed God gave me Liam and Colin and so happy they will have each other throughout life. I love my little boys there is nothing better!! : )


Just a few articles on parenting that I love. Parenting is hard stuff and I can relate to both of these articles!

Letter's to Colin 4 months

Dear Colin,
You are 4 months old. Time is really flying. This month we got to enjoy some one on one time together and enjoy your first holiday fourth of July! You are such a joy and are moving so fast you love being on your belly and attempting to crawl. Your favorite things are your play mat and bouncy chair. You love watching your big brother and will turn all the way around in your chair to watch what he is doing. You are such a calm baby, but this month you have decided not to sleep anymore. I really lucked out with you in the beginning, but it looks like you are giving me a run for my money now! I love spending time with you and snuggling. Watching your personality develop is so fun. You are so happy and only cry when you are tired or hungry. You love to laugh. Things that make you laugh are other people laughing and bouncing. I cant wait to see you develop more you are such a blessing and I am so glad you are a part of our family!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Letters to Colin 3 months

Dear Colin

Baby boy how have 3 months gone by? You are officially not a tiny little baby anymore and its making me sad since you are my last.  You can now roll over from your back to stomach you started doing this as soon as you turned 3 months. The doctor was really impressed by that and your ability to hold your head up.  You have now been sick once, you had fluid in your ear and it made you very upset for a couple of days.  Colin you have such a wonderful personality you are so happy and love to smile at everyone especially your Dad and me.  Liam is still your favorite person you love to watch him and when he breaks in on you at nap time and wakes you up, you don't even mind! You just smile at him and go back to sleep.  You are so calm I actually can take you to my physical therapy appointments and you just sit in your bouncy and bounce.  Your favorite thing is your bouncy chair you would bounce all day if I would let you. You also like your play mat, Sophie giraffe, and rattle. You still don't like your car seat, but that is about it! Today you found your toes and you really think they are fun.  I am so glad you are mine I couldn't ask for a better baby! I love you with all my heart!




Thursday, June 6, 2013

Last Day of Preschool

I can't believe Liam has completed his first year of preschool. The first day picture vs. last day picture seriously makes me want to cry. He has grown so much and looks like a big boy now.  Although, we had a few time outs, boo boo's, and other things that you can expect with a 100 percent all boy we had a great first year. You had the best teachers Ms. Angie and Ms. Edith.  I am so happy Liam loves school and has met great friends (Jack, Lilly, and Slade) he talks about these guys daily. I am sad he can't go during the summer, but it will be great to get some extra time with him. I made a little bucket with some fun new toys for summer time and Liam was so excited he especially loves his pool and cant wait to use his lightning McQueen kite! Here is to another great summer with you little man!


Memorial Day Weekend 2013

This was Colin's first time to the beach. He really seemed to like it and slept in his tent for part of the time.  Liam has a whole new love for the beach. He loves to play in the sand and run up to the water. The day started off really cold, but warmed up late afternoon and we were able to make it out to Long Beach. On the way we stopped at my favorite cupcake place CrazyCakeChics! We found a great parking spot with a public restroom nearby (very key when potty training)!! It was really nice to be able to relax and enjoy the beach for the first time this year!