The Forgeys

The Forgeys

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Letter's to Colin 4 months

Dear Colin,
You are 4 months old. Time is really flying. This month we got to enjoy some one on one time together and enjoy your first holiday fourth of July! You are such a joy and are moving so fast you love being on your belly and attempting to crawl. Your favorite things are your play mat and bouncy chair. You love watching your big brother and will turn all the way around in your chair to watch what he is doing. You are such a calm baby, but this month you have decided not to sleep anymore. I really lucked out with you in the beginning, but it looks like you are giving me a run for my money now! I love spending time with you and snuggling. Watching your personality develop is so fun. You are so happy and only cry when you are tired or hungry. You love to laugh. Things that make you laugh are other people laughing and bouncing. I cant wait to see you develop more you are such a blessing and I am so glad you are a part of our family!