The Forgeys

The Forgeys

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Letters to Colin- 8 months

Dear Colin,
You are growing so fast! You love to stand now and are becoming more vocal. You can say Dada, Mama, and Heeey. You get very excited when you see me you jump up and down, or attempt to clap your hands. I love it!! It is nice to have someone be that happy to see you! Whenever we go out people always say wow he is such a happy baby is he always that way. I have to say you are unless you are hungry or sleepy. You personality is so laid back you love to be held and cuddled but you are very tough. Liam doesn't get you are a baby and is hard on you sometimes, but you are starting to get him back by pulling his hair. I wish you could stay this age for a while it is such a fun period! It is going to be so fun watching you enjoy your first Christmas. I love you so much Colin and can not imagine a day without you!