How is my baby boy 2! You are such a delight to be around. You are always happy go lucky and have a smile on your face. You love to run and play outside. You are all boy and love playing with cars and dinosaurs. You are for sure a little monkey. You think it's fun to pull out your dresser drawers and climb all the way to the top. Your favorite tv show is Sesame Street you love anything Elmo. You have started to have a few meltdowns, but as long as I distract you it doesn't last too long. You are always talking and love to pretend you are calling people with anything you can pretend is a phone. You say so many words here are a few: Hello, bye, boon (liam) I think your trying to say brother, Mommy, Daddy, Mizie(Maya) Robert, Emmie, GaGa(Granna), snack, juice, Star, Ball, Soccer, socks, feet, and shoes. There are a lot more,but you say those words most frequently. You go to school one day a week and really love it!
You love to bring me books and we read a lot together your favorite is You're not so Scary Sid. You love to give hugs and kisses and snuggling is my favorite with you. I am so glad you entered the world 2 years ago you make my life so full and happy. Our world is a better place because of the love you give to everyone in our family. To the happiest sweetest little boy Happy 2nd birthday!
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