The Forgeys

The Forgeys

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Liam turns 5

Dear Liam,
How are you five years old??? This happened so fast and I am just not ready for you to be such a little boy. You love riding your bike, playing basketball, soccer and feeding the ducks. You are such a fighter, but it's what I love about you. You are getting better about listening and are great with helping out with your brother and cleaning up at the end of the day. You have such a sweet heart and want to make everyone happy. You love to draw and are amazing artist. You have an old soul you favorite tv shows are Charlie Brown and Andy Griffith. You are doing really well in preschool and love doing your homework( I hope this last). I love you so much and can't imagine my life without your silliness and sweet smile. Happy Birthday my love!!

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